Other Wellness

: I am Grateful : I am Thankful : I am Hopeful :

December 1, 2020
selective focus photography of black Buddha figurine on green leaf

Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance…Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle
black framed eyeglasses on book page

I’ve never been one to make extravagant New Years resolutions. I learned, early on, it was futile. Instead I would pick a word for the year. I wish I would have written all those words down. It would be interesting to see how the word helped guide me through that particular year. My word for 2020 is Mindful. I know this is not the first time I have selected this powerful word. But, each time it takes on the essence of the year which can vary from age to age.

Who knew that 2020, beginning in March (for the U.S.), would be a year that the world would be asked to be mindful? So, how did that work out for us and the world? I think you might agree, not so great – so far. There are success stories to celebrate and victories still to be had. But, in our day-to-day, human-to-human interaction how did we come through for our fellow humans?

The definition of mindfulness is: the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. In other words being aware of our environment through a gentle, nurturing lens. Going beyond the boundaries of one’s self to be mindful of those surrounding us. It is not very often that we are called upon to demonstrate our humanity and asked to make sacrifices for the ‘greater good’ of our society. It’s unfortunate that more did not answer the call. And for those that did respond to the call, have we done enough to show our gratitude and gratefulness? How about a National Day of Gratitude to all the health workers around the world that cared enough to give a 100%.

Theodore Roosevelt observed that the White House was a bully pulpit for his modern presidency’s power of persuasion and he used it to full advantage. His was to inspire, to bring people together for the benefit of all. Of course, for Roosevelt, the word bully was an adjective meaning “excellent” or “first-rate.” The noun is another story completely! And, unfortunately, all too familiar to us today. Used as a noun, we have “a blustering, browbeating person.” Currently, an on target observation of our 45th President.

It’s heartbreaking to realize that this chaos has been personally brought to us by a man void of humanity. A man that never thinks beyond himself. He has convinced almost half of the population to think only of themselves. Forget the greater good for all. Forget the mask. Forget the social distance. Forget federal intervention. It’s reminiscent of the woman who falls in love with a man that has targeted her as his next “mark.” He’ll woo her, knowing instinctually what she needs to hear and see from him. The bigger the bluster, the harder they fall. And fall she does. She eventually walks away, minus her self respect, and confused, how was she taken in by a professional con-man, grifter. Some, perhaps not all, of the followers of 45 will one day wonder to themselves if the grifter-in-chief took them in.

gold buddha figurine on white table

I am Grateful

Gratitude not only benefits the recipient but rewards the giver. Being grateful can become a learned choice. It’s an attitude that, over time, fortifies us to the gifts and losses that run through our lives. It allows us to view life on a larger scale and not be overwhelmed by our day to day circumstances. Plus, it just makes you feel better. It’s so simple to say to a friend, “I so appreciate our friendship.” Write that person in your life, a note. Buy a little gift for no reason other than you know they will love it. Gratefulness is nourishing; it restores the soul. It also has the capabilities of helping us through hard times. Robert Emmons, Ph.D. UC Davis is a leading scientific expert on gratitude says. “There is scientific evidence that grateful people are more resilient to stress, whether minor everyday hassles or major personal upheavals. The contrast between suffering and redemption serves as the basis for one of my tips for practicing gratitude: remember the bad.”

I am Thankful

I cannot tell you how many times a day I say thank you. Out loud, to no one. I’m alone. But, something, maybe big, maybe small happens that I acknowledge with a thank you. Being thankful is a mindset of appreciation. When you continually perform a task or behavior, through regular repetition, it becomes automatic or habitual. Just imagine if we consciously concentrated on being kind, grateful, thankful and hopeful. It’s one more step toward being an aware and mindful human. We are enriched when we take the time to be thankful. Negativity has a nasty way of sliding in and taking over our thoughts. Being thankful adds a barrier that, with pratice, will help you toward a more positive attitue. All thought has energy – why not consintrate on upping the positive vibes on your thought meter!

I am Hopeful

I am hopelessly hopeful. Yes, you can call me an optimist. Who wants to be negative? It’s not good for your posture. You slouch when you are negative and stand tall and smile when hopeful… A positive sense of possibilities surrounds a hopeful thought. I wonder how many outrageously creative thoughts have been dashed for lack of hope. We need to have more positive than negative people in our lives. Excitement always seems to be around when we are more hopeful. Hope also allows us to give more of ourselves to what we do. It allows us to infuse our daily routines with a sense of accomplishment. Who doesn’t want it to be a good day? It really is a necessity. It is our emotional engine; it allows us to engage in life! Habitat for Humanity was founded on hope. The hope and belief that everyone should have shelter. Hope rolled up its sleeves and went to work – around the world. Spreading hope can be tenacious work – but the reward is astounding.

The thread that comes through repeatedly whenever I write and learn more – is the power of positive thought. We cannot deny that our thoughts have immense power over us. But, with practice, we can quell the negativity with mindfulness. Be mindful of those around you. Be compassionate. Be willing to offer a friendly smile, a helping hand. Reward yourself with kindness. It will return to you. Be kind in your thoughts. Practice gratitude. Be thankful. Stay hopeful. Honest it will change your life.

You know I want to hear your stories. Please share with us your thoughts. xok

  • Reply
    kate granado
    December 8, 2020 at 12:06 pm
  • Reply
    Susan Swanson
    December 6, 2020 at 11:12 am

    “Gratitude is riches. Complaint is poverty”. This quote has been with me for years and I believe it proves to be true. I decided to google it and discover more about it, I found that Doris Day is credited to this quote. I remember having a brief encounter with her in Carmel, California at a small grocery store in the late 80’s. Interesting how things come full circle. There is so much more Light in gratitude it is vibrating at a higher frequency which is a form of protection. Choose Gratitude! Love you Kate!

    • Reply
      kate granado
      December 8, 2020 at 12:00 pm

      I’m going to remember this quote. Thank you so much for sharing it with us, Susan. I totally believe that gratitude has a higher frequency. You can feel it when you practice gratitude everyday…xok

  • Reply
    December 3, 2020 at 5:00 am

    Two words for you…Wise Woman!!
    You speak and we all listen! Thank you , Kate for another wonderful will written piece that is so very relatable!

    • Reply
      kate granado
      December 8, 2020 at 12:04 pm

      Thank you Nancy. And I have two words for you…Wise Woman. You are an exceptionally wise woman. I know, for sure, because I have personally benefited from your wisdom. Thank you…xok

  • Reply
    Leslie Martel
    December 1, 2020 at 9:21 am

    Thank you for these beautiful, thoughtful and hopeful thoughts!

    • Reply
      kate granado
      December 2, 2020 at 7:12 am

      very happy you liked it. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.xoxox

  • Reply
    Sue Estenson
    December 1, 2020 at 9:01 am

    So well said and written!! I enjoy your thoughts..always have. Your positivity is such a magnet and a gift to all who know you.

    • Reply
      kate granado
      December 8, 2020 at 12:09 pm

      When you comment, I feel like I’m sitting across from you. Always, a big thank you for your kind and thoughtful words…xok

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